Post Season Eligibility Requirements
This is the time of year we all look forward to! The hard work by the student athletes, coaches and schools during the regular season comes down to this…post season, championship level of play. To officiate this level of the game, there are basic eligibility requirements for officials outlined below. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee a playoff assignment but it does make an official eligible to work these games. The requirements can vary slightly from year to year (i.e number of games at position requirement) and we will update this page as new qualifications are posted. Please contact one of the Area Directors if you have any questions about your specific eligibility.
- Registered official with CHSAA by March 1st of the current membership year.
- Must have current background check on file with CHSAA.
- Registered official with CFOA and at least five years of high school varsity experience. Officials in their fifth year are eligible.
- Certified official with DFOA.
- Comply with the requirements established by the CFOA Constitution and policies established by the CFOA Board of Directors.
- Have attended a Colorado Master Clinic once during the current season or previous season. Optionally, the Master Clinic may be viewed online for the current season provided you attended in person the previous year.
- Agree to utilize the mechanics in the CFOA Officials Mechanics Manual.
- Have worked at least three sub-varsity assignments during the current season.
- Have attained at least five (5) DFOA local area meeting credits for the current season.
- Maintain a physically fit appearance suitable for officiating the game of football.
- Have worked at least 7 varsity games at your playoff position during the current season.
- TESTING: Must have passed a total of two exams, without collaboration and achieve a passing score. The CFOA Mechanics Test and the CFOA Playoff Exam.
How are playoff officials selected?
DFOA members need to meet the playoff eligibility requirements as stated above. Officials that are eligible to work playoffs will be nominated by the Area Directors to the CFOA for playoff selection. For example, in the 2022 season, nearly 70 officials from DFOA were submitted to the CFOA as candidates for week 1 assignments. The Denver area received 49 assignments for playoff games throughout the state. Not all officials nominated were used in a playoff game.
How are the number of playoff slots for Denver officials determined?
The state is divided up into 16 different officiating areas. CFOA examines the total number of varsity eligible officials from each area of Colorado. Using a mathematical formula, the CFOA will divide up playoff assignments equitably throughout the state based on how many varsity eligible officials each area has registered by March 1st of that year. This way each of the 16 associations will get their fair share of playoff assignments based on their population of officials.
What if I did not get a week one assignment, does that mean I'm not working in the post season?
Not necessarily. Nearly 70 officials from DFOA were eligible to work the playoffs in 2022. Not everyone could be chosen to work in week one based on the number of slots assigned to the Denver area officials. Some officials that did not work in week one will most likely see an assignment in week two. Again, in week two, the DFOA Area Directors will submit a list of eligible officials to the CFOA who will then make the actual playoff assignments. This is the process for the early round playoff games. Those selected to work semi-final and championship games were selected based on independent evaluations performed by the CFOA and CHSAA throughout the season. Note that these evaluations are different than the training evaluations done periodically by DFOA.
What if I was eligible but did not receive any post season assignments?
We encourage you to work hard in the off-season. All officials, rookies or long-time veterans, should self-evaluate and determine areas they can improve on as an official. Some suggestions would be:
– Attend off-season rule study sessions
– Attend an off-season CFOA officials camp
– Work additional scrimmages to get more snaps in
– Work additional sub-varsity games to get more snaps in and aid in covering these games to avoid cancellations
– Attend as many area meetings as possible
– Physical appearance and fitness
Don’t settle for the minimum qualifications in these areas. We have many playoff eligible officials, not everyone will receive an assignment unfortunately. Appreciate when you receive and assignment and always look for ways to keep getting better.
How are semi-final and championship officials selected?
Those chosen to work semi-final and championship games were selected based upon independent evaluations by members of CFOA and CHSAA throughout the season. The DFOA and Area Directors have NO input to the semi-final and championship selection of officials.