Don Bates
Vice-President (2026)
Don currently resides in Frederick, CO with his wife of 25 years, Brenda. Together, they have 4 children, Tony (a fellow official), Tim, Amanda, and Christopher all in the Denver area along with 2 “kids” Samantha and Charlee our Border Collie/Lab mixes. He is currently employed with Oracle USA, Inc. as a Senior Principal Instructor teaching database administration, identity management, and SQL language courseware. Don started officiating football in 1976, one year after graduation from High School, at the suggestion from his former High School baseball coach who was an official as well. For Don, the majority of the 44 seasons worked was at the Back Judge position but has worked all positions on the field and is currently working as the Head Linesman spot for the past 8 years. Don’s first love is baseball and has participated as a High School umpire but due to travel requirements for work had to stop. He has the most fun working football and truly enjoys the camaraderie and fellowship that football crews afford. It is this enjoyment that he wishes to pass on to the membership by serving as an Area Director and looks to help all of our membership improve and strive for perfection. He has been fortunate to have been selected to work 4 State Championship games, the 1990 2A as the Line Judge, the 2006 1A as the Back Judge, the 2016 3A as the Head Linesman, and the 2020 5A once again as the Head Linesman. Don’s hobbies besides football include golf, watching baseball, camping, shooting, and smoking meats (briskets, pork roasts and ribs, and turkeys) and making home-made pizzas from scratch!